Thursday, January 15, 2009

Master Cleanser- Day 1

Here is the picture of all the items, I will need for the next two weeks.

I have decided to start The Master Cleanser diet. The master Cleanser is a mono liquid diet that will cleanse your body of toxins, you'll loose some weight in the process which is a great motivator for me. You can not eat or drink anything but the lemonade mixture while on the diet. The lemonade mixture consist of the following:
2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice
2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup
1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
10 oz of filtered water
I have decided to blog my experience to share some information with people that will like to try the diet. Also, it will make my commitment public and help me stick to the diet.

DAY 1- My first day in the diet. It wast'n as hard as I thought it was going to be. I drank a total of 7 glasses of the lemonade and 6 glasses of water. The previous night I did the laxative tea. I had a total of two eliminations during the day. The the salt water flush in the morning was rough. I drank the 1 qt of filtered water with 2 tbsp of salt bottoms up and I threw it all up.I was not able to do it. I will try it again in day 3. I'll let you know how it goes.I felt a little hungry and a little tired, but pretty normal other than that. As far as getting hungry, not really. I was able to do grocery shopping for my mom at night without any major suffering.