Monday, January 19, 2009

Master Cleanser- Day 4

Today the new tea worked out really good. I was able to sleep like a baby, and my energy level are excellent Other than the fact that I miss the taste of solid food, the diet is great. I must admit I keep thinking about food one thing in specific, Fried Rice (yummy). If I take my lemonade before I get hungry, it is way easier to look and smell food. I really feel that I'm working towards a healthier, leaner, detoxified body. I have so much energy now. I am not weak at all. I just can't get over how well I feel for not having eaten any food in four consecutive days. I had a total 5 eliminations today. I experienced a lot of cramping. I decide not to take the laxative tonight and just take a tea in the morning. I do not know how much weight I have lost, but I know I'm loosing fat. Feeling great and ready for 11 more days.


Anonymous said...

Hello, what has happend? did you finished the cleanser?

UCF_Dark_Knight said...

I'm also curious as to what happened. You write very well, too. I wish you would have kept blogging